It’s tough to be a parent of small kids in the winter in NYC. It’s too cold for playgrounds and parks, and cramped apartment spaces somehow seem to get even smaller, what with all of the holiday presents piling up in corners and slowly encroaching on any available adult real estate in your living room.
But unlike bears that go into hibernation mode and conserve their energy throughout the winter, NYC kids have no interest in reserving their chaos mode until the playgrounds thaw in spring. Just like any other kid, NYC kids still want to run and jump and stomp and play and chase each other in circles until they collapse in a heap.
This is a tricky situation for NYC parents, who know all too well that it takes just 20 minutes for a NYC kid to make it look like you’ve never once cleaned your apartment. What’s a parent to do?
Q: What does a NYC parent need to survive winter with small kids?
A: Inflatable bounce houses.
This weekend, our kids had two play dates with other parent friends in the neighborhood. Both came with an interesting caveat in the invitation: “Do your kids want to come over and play? We can bring out the bounce house.”
I had never before considered the absurdity and brilliance of bringing a bounce house into your own home, but I’m now convinced it’s one of the smartest parent hacks there is. Here’s why:
It’s the perfect pop-up party. Bounce houses turn any space into an instant carnival. This is why bounce houses in NYC have become the iconic visual signal for a block party or street fair, why kids are drawn to them like moths to a flame.
They promote collaborative play. Because bounce houses are inherently for more than one kid, it immediately invites the little kid version of teamwork and group dynamics into the picture. This is a great thing for kids and parents alike.
Kids get all of their outside energy out…from the comfort of your living room. Bounce houses are meant for one thing: Bouncing. It takes a lot of energy to jump up and down and crash into walls and fight with your sister over whose turn it is to go down the slide.
The kids leave the grown-ups alone. This is a clear, no explanations needed, “parents not invited” situation. Bounce houses give parents the opportunity to actually start (and finish!) a sentence with a fellow parent, preferably over a glass of wine. Imagine that.
And the most important reason why bounce houses are brilliant for NYC parents:
You can put them away. In a closet (and then, eventually forever).
I love discovering things that add instant chaos and joy to an otherwise mundane situation. And what better example than a bounce house in your own living room?
So, if you’re having one of those days when you’d rather tune out the world and retreat to your cozy corner, ask yourself: What joyful chaos could I inject into this moment? Who knows—maybe a bounce house is exactly what you need.
Here are some ideas to get you started...
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Q: What does a NYC parent need to survive winter with small kids? A: Inflatable bounce houses. More on the brilliance and absurdity of bringing bounce houses into unconventional spaces... and a few ideas of where else you might drop in a bounce house for a little chaotic joy
Other places where you might add a bounce house for a bit of unexpected chaos... 1. The DMV
2. Airports
3. Board Meetings
4. Jury Duty
Our friends did this for their paternity leave. I was agog. It was awesome.
that's so fun
This is an AMAZING idea!!! Wow. Im lookin at you, unfinished basement.
Do ittttttt
school was canceled today due to cold - looks like wayfair has just what i need (these all look MASSIVE lol)
Winter in NYC can be a challenge for parents of small kids stuck indoors, but @bethanymarz shares the game-changing joy of inflatable bounce houses. These fun hubs turn regular play dates into energized excitement, allowing kids to unleash their chaos while parents catch a break.